July Newsletter

Greetings Soft Landing!

Though you may already be knee-deep in pre-playa preparations, please take a minute to review these key reminders as you prepare for Burning Man 2024 with Soft Landing!  Please take special note of the required pre-playa acculturation & consent conversations that start next week.  

Required:  Pre-Playa Planning & Acculturation Discussion 

In order to build a safe and supportive community at Soft Landing, all new campers and SL veterans will participate in a pre-playa acculturation *and* consent conversation. Below are different session options; please choose the one most convenient for you and mark your calendars now!   

  • July 21 (Sunday): 5:00 p.m. Pacific

  • July 31 (Wednesday): 6:00 p.m. Pacific

  • August 8 (Thursday):  6:00 p.m. Pacific

  • August 11 (Sunday):  12:00 noon Pacific

For access to the Zoom link and password, email campsoftlanding@gmail.com

Pod Leads

Thanks, Pod Leads, for helping to support and coordinate your groups!   

  • Information will be coming out soon with the date / time for a Pod Leader meeting. 

  • If you haven’t already submitted your Pod Layout to Nectar, please do so ASAP!

  • Here is our most current list of Pod Leaders; if we are missing you, please let us know so we can add you to the meeting invite.

    • Soul Tribe (StarByrd)

    • Hive (Pretty Lights)

    • Love Kitchen (Indra)

    • Mars Pod (Phaedrus)

    • Zendo (Zach)

RV & SPACE REQUEST FORM – Including Community Shade!

Designing camp layout takes some time and finesse! The earlier we get your space requests and needs, the more innovative and creative we can be with designing a kick-ass camp this year.  The deadline for completing this form has passed; however, we do our absolute best to accommodate late requests if possible.  If you haven’t yet shared your RV/Space/Community Request form, please do so ASAP!https://forms.gle/dBcEaKLVFxa14Y7G8  

Need shade?  If you are interested in being part of our Community Shade, please fill out the form as well, so we can ensure we have enough space. 

Shifts and Dues

  1. Review the “Information Page” on our website.  Even if you have camped with Soft Landing in the past, there are always new changes and reminders worth reviewing.  

  2. Sign Up for Shifts!  

  3. Pay Camp Dues! This year, the dues structure is comprised of these three options:

    • 1 shift and $450

    • 2 shifts and $250

    • 3 shifts and $150

Soft Landing Dates

  • Apply to join camp: Applications for new campers are open! Remember that with the exception of Zendo volunteers, all new campers must be sponsored by an existing camper. Please direct them to apply here. Make sure any new camper reads camp orientation guidelines here.

  • RV/Space Request Form:  June 30th

  • Pod Layouts (from pod leaders):  June 30th

    • Pod leaders are responsible for sharing a draft of your pod’s ideal layout to Soft Landing  (campsoftlanding@gmail.com) by June 30th.  This layout should take into account all the structures that are connected to your pod (including RVs!)

<3 Your Communications Team


August Newsletter


June Newsletter